Video Insights
Rising Interest Rates and My Retirement Portfolio
Two months into Joe Biden's presidency, Gabe and Ryan give us the latest on the rising interest rates for 2021 and how it affects your retirement portfolio....
What could be the long terms effects of COVID-19 on the market?
We're one year into Covid-19 and have been seeing the short-term effects on our economy. But what are some long-term effects that are here to stay? Catch up with CFPs, Gabe...
How Will the new Administration Affect the Economy?
A lot of change is to be expected with a new administration, but how that affects our economy is yet to be seen. Stay in the know with Gabe and Ryan, SRP's Certified Financial...
Health Insurance in Retirement
One of the biggest questions we get from our clients in retirement is how do we handle health insurance before turning 65? How do you afford it and who do you buy it from? Learn...
Stimulus, Debt, and the US Economy
How does government stimulus affect the US economy in the short term and the long term?
Is the Stock Market Gambling?
Is Game Stop right for you? Watch the video to see Gabe and Ryan’s take on gambling versus investing. Difference between Gambling and Investing Is...
What are the factors that affect my pension?
Do you have a plan for your pension? At SRP, we work with each individual to figure out the best plan when it comes to your pension. There are many factors that can affect this...
The Democrats won the House, the Senate, and the Presidency…
The Democrats won the House, the Senate, and the Presidency... What does that mean for your portfolio and markets headed into 2021? Dive in with Financial Advisors, Gabe Lapito...
Video: What is the appropriate withdrawal rate?
So you work really hard saving money in investment accounts and retirement accounts, and then you come to retire, how much can you take from your portfolio each month? What is...

Video: Stay the Course in Volatile Times
How much money would you have today if you invested 10,000 in DOW Jones Industrial Average in 1900 and didn't touch it? Watch to find out the answer and why you should stay the...

Video: The Difference Between the Stock Market and Economy
Why is there a difference between the stock market and the economy? How can our economy struggle but our stock market look good?
Video: Timing the Market
Should I be timing the markets? Decades worth of decisions, election timing, beating the index. It's all about time in the market! Watch to learn more....

Video: What Do I Need for an Estate Plan?
How to build a foundation for your estate and plan for the future. Ryan and Gabe face hard topics and offer great advice on setting up an estate plan....

Video: Smart Money
"It's not how much money you have, it's how you interact with the money you do have." See some tips and tricks from Gabe & Ryan. Let's Talk About...
Video: Can My Portfolio Survive This Time of Uncertainty?
Tariff wars with China, COVID 19, elections… What does this mean for my retirement portfolio? Tune into find out from Gabe and Ryan.
Video: The Upcoming Election and Retirement Portfolios
How will this election affect my retirement portfolio? What happens if Joe Biden gets elected? What if Donald Trump stays in office? Tune in for insights from Financial Advisors...

Who We Are At Strategic Retirement Plans
We are a full service financial planning firm that partners with our clients to provide a holistic retirement plan that will create streams of income. Our goal is to fully...