Basic Estate Planning Documents

Basic Estate Planning Documents

Although many of us don’t like to think about planning for a future that we won’t be around to experience, a well-thought-out estate plan helps us manage and preserve assets during life and conserve and direct the distribution of assets at death.Basic estate planning...
After the Last Paycheck

After the Last Paycheck

You’ve been looking forward to retirement for most of your working life. Maybe you’ve been anticipating relaxing on a beach, traveling, or writing a book. You might have great plans for all that free time, but do you have a financial strategy that makes it all...
401(k) Loans: Borrowing from Your Future

401(k) Loans: Borrowing from Your Future

If you need funds to cover an unexpected expense, taking a loan from your 401(k) account may sound appealing. Although many retirement plans offer these loans, borrowing from your 401(k) comes with unique risks and costs that can seriously compromise your long-term...
Do-Over Options for Social Security Claiming Decisions

Do-Over Options for Social Security Claiming Decisions

If you claim your social security benefits and later realize doing so might not have been in your best interest, you may have an opportunity for a do-over. There are three strategies that may apply, depending on your individual circumstances. Let’s take a look at...
Emotions of Investing

Emotions of Investing

Logic and emotion have never been a perfect pairing. It is logical for investors to stay focused on their long-term goals during volatile markets, but emotionally it is very difficult to follow this reasoning. Emotional instincts, which may be valuable in certain...