We’re hiring a Client Relationship Associate to join our team. Take a look at the job description below and follow the directions for applying if this seems like a good fit for you. Summary of Responsibilities: This position provides client support, assists in...
June Selloff Adds to Challenging Quarter for Markets Equity markets experienced widespread selloffs in June as fears of a potential recession and continued high inflation weighed heavily on investors. This capped off a challenging second quarter for markets, as...
Listen in to Certified Financial Planners, Gabe Lapito and Ryan Gomendi of Strategic Retirement Plans, as they give their best advice and suggestions for navigating this economic shift and the downturn of the stock market. Staying the Course Ryan and Gabe wanted to...
We’ve hit our 3rd bear market in the last 43 months. A bear market is when the market drops 20% from it’s high. What does this mean for you and your retirement plan? Is this normal? Listen in as Gabe and Ryan discuss the volatility. Is the Bear Market we...
What should a financial advisor be doing in a season of volatility? Ryan and Gabe discuss what you should expect when working with a Certified Financial Planner during a season of volatility and while planning your retirement. Financial Advisors should Help to Create...
Presented by Gabe Lapito, CFP® and Ryan Gomendi, CFP® As inflation has risen and stock prices have fallen, we’ve heard a lot of buzz about a bear market recently. And now we’re officially here. Traditionally defined as a period during which stock prices fall 20...
We offer a complimentary initial phone consultation with an advisor where we can tell you about our services and hear about your goals to see if our services are right for you.